15 Factors for Choosing the Best E-commerce Platform

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15 Factors for E commerce

15 Factors for E commerce


The global retail e-commerce sales hit around 5.2 trillion dollars. It is expected to surge by 56%, hitting nearly 8.1 trillion dollars by 2026. Whether you’re a startup or going through a digital transformation, selecting the right ecommerce platform is crucial to remaining competitive. 

In this article, we’ll guide you through the 14 core factors to consider, including hosting options, pricing, performance, security, ecommerce functionality, and more. Gain helpful insights and make a perfect choice, whether you’re an ecommerce start-up or want to scale up.

A Different Kind Of Company. A Different Kind Of Ecommerce.

Why Choose the Right Ecommerce Platform? 

The ideal ecommerce platform is the backbone of your online business. It offers a centralized solution to manage the ecommerce operations, marketing, sales, and inventory. 

The ecommerce platform has to be reliable, user-friendly, and capable of scaling with your business. It reduces operational workloads and helps support a range of omnichannel selling formats, including social media and marketplaces. 

The right ecommerce software ensures that your online store is accessible to customers, regardless of traffic fluctuations. It gives you the tool to maintain customer engagement and allow growth opportunities for your ecommerce business. 

15 Factors to Consider While Choosing the Best Ecommerce Platform
1. Ecommerce Hosting

There are two primary hosting options for ecommerce platforms: self-hosting and managed hosting. 


In self-hosting, the merchants are responsible for hosting the ecommerce platform on a server. Self-hosted platforms offer full control over your online store but require back-end management.

It includes tasks such as:

  • Setting up and configuring the hosting environment. 
  • Installing software updates.
  • Maintain server security and optimize performance.
  • Backup and disaster recovery measures.
  • Scaling and managing resources. 
  • Adding and maintaining third-party plugins. 
  • Troubleshoot or resolve any hosting-related issues.
Managed hosting:

With managed hosting, all aspects of hosting, including server setup, maintenance, security, and updates, are handled by the hosting provider.

Some ecommerce platforms offer built-in hosting, or you can opt for external hosting and focus on core business operations.

Cloud hosting:

Alternatively, cloud-hosted platforms, like Amazon Web Services (AWS), offer web hosting solutions managed by the cloud provider. It ensures consistent website uptime and reliability. 

You might have less control over the server, but it comes with lower costs and better customer support.

2. License and Ownership

Ecommerce platforms can also vary in ownership. You get options including Open-Source, Software as a Service (SaaS), or Headless platforms.

Open-source platforms, like WooCommerce or Adobe Commerce (Magento), allow you to access and modify the source code. It offers a higher level of control and ownership. You must handle web hosting, security, integrations, and analytics. It may require more technical knowledge and maintenance.

Magento acquired by Adobe in May 2018, is now named Adobe Commerce. 

The three Adobe Commerce editions are: 

  • Magento Open Source (formerly called Magento Community)
  • Adobe Commerce (Licensed edition on premises)
  • Adobe Commerce Cloud (Cloud-hosted licensed edition).

SaaS companies like Shopify and BigCommerce offer a more economical rented platform solution. Management tasks such as updates, security, hosting, and software management are overseen by the SaaS provider. It gives a quicker go-to-market timeline but has less customization flexibility.

A headless commerce solution separates the front-end user experience from the back-end operations. It allows dynamic, fast, and personalized user experiences using API calls.

3. Ecommerce Pricing Total Cost of Operation

One factor to consider while choosing an ecommerce platform is pricing. Popular ecommerce platforms have a monthly fee in addition to processing costs. 

Consider your budget to see which platform will provide the most value for your business. Some of the basic ecommerce pricing includes 

Ecommerce Platform Pricing Table 
Ecommerce PlatformStarting Plan Free Trial Business Size 
Shopify $29/month14-day trial Small to Medium – various industries 
BigCommerce$29.95/month 15-day trial  Small to Medium – various industries 
WooCommerce Free period (hosting costs applicable) No specific trial Small to Medium – WordPress users 
Adobe Commerce (Magento)  Custom Pricing. Free open-source platform. No specific trial Medium to Enterprise 
ShopwarePricing based on individual needs. Starting from $600/month. No specific trial Small to Medium businesses – various industries 
CommercetoolsCustom PricingNo specific trial Medium to Enterprise businesses. 
4. Ecommerce Platform Performance and Scalability

Ecommerce performance and page loading times are crucial to a seamless shopping experience. Studies have shown 53% of visits are abandoned if a mobile site takes longer than 3 seconds to load. 

Every second counts in the ecommerce world, and your eCommerce platform must offer a lightning-fast shopping experience. Evaluate the performance and scalability of the commerce platform under traffic and large product volumes. 

Check the following performance criteria:

  • Page load times 
  • Scalability 
  • Mobile-responsiveness 
  • Error rates and downtime
  • Plugin performance 
  • Frozen or 404 error pages 
  • Updates that may affect site speed. 

Analyze how the platform handles simultaneous traffic during peak periods. Both horizontal and vertical scaling capabilities can greatly impact the platform’s performance.
You can look for advanced caching methods, which optimize loading times and improve overall site speed. Many ecommerce platforms offer to automatically purge content when updating product descriptions for faster page loads.

5. Compatibility with Other Systems

Integrations and plugins are essential to extend the functionality of your ecommerce platform. Analyze the platform’s integration capabilities and check if it’s compatible with your required extensions. 

Some popular plugins include:

  • Payments and accounting: These plugins help manage sales, taxes, revenues, and profits.
  • Marketing: Email marketing plugins will promote customer engagement with personalized campaigns, promotions, and newsletters.
  • Checkouts and Shipping: These integrations allow easy checkouts, multiple payment options, and streamlined shipping. 
  • Loyalty programs: Add discounts, rewards, and loyalty programs for customers to promote high retention rates. 
  • Automation systems: ERMs, CRMs, and other integrations that automate various e-commerce processes. 
6.  Ecommerce Themes and UX Design 

User interfaces influence bounce rates, brand recognition, and conversions. Customers are not only looking for specific products but also for immersive shopping experiences.

It is essential to look for an ecommerce platform that offers a range of themes that suit your design needs.  A unique and responsive theme will set you apart from competitors and increase the likelihood of higher conversions. 

Look for customizable themes or templates with the right placeholders for your products and services. It should allow for content management and easy preview of product images. 

Look for additional factors such as:

  • Responsiveness across devices
  • Ease of use
  • Customization capabilities
  • Long-term scalability.
7. Ecommerce Platform Security 

Online shopping cyberattacks have surged to 38% of reported scams globally. It was a significant increase from the pre-outbreak rate of 24%. The potential damage caused by security breaches underscores the importance of strong e-commerce security measures. 

Types of ecommerce attacks:

  • Phishing
  • DDoS Attacks
  • SQL Injections
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
  • Brute Force Attacks
  • Malware Infections
  • Man-in-the-Middle Attacks
  • Account Takeovers
  • Payment Fraud
  • Inventory Manipulation

To safeguard your store against potential threats, pick an ecommerce platform that goes beyond the minimum security requirements. Reputable platforms offer additional security options like DDoS attack monitoring and fraud protection. 

Ensure PCI compliance, SSL encryption, and secure data backups. PCI compliance creates a secure environment for processing and transmitting credit card information. 

To mitigate common security threats, consider implementing the following security solutions:

  • Switch to HTTPS to encrypt data transmission.
  • Secure servers and admin panels to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Employ payment gateway security measures.
  • Install antivirus software to combat malicious bots.
  • Use firewalls for DDoS attack prevention.
  • Protect your website with SSL certificates to prevent brute force attacks.
  • Implement multi-layer security measures.
  • Add ecommerce security plugins to enhance overall protection.

By choosing an eCommerce platform with robust security features. It assures confidence in your customers and protects sensitive business data.

8. Ease-of-use and Functionality (Inventory Management)

A robust inventory management system is essential to ensure smooth admin operations. It allows admins to update data and deliver optimal shopping experiences. Consider the following features and admin capabilities:

Bulk Product Management

The ecommerce platform should offer seamless bulk product upload capabilities. It allows admins to add products efficiently using CSV or Excel files. 

Bulk Product Management

The ecommerce platform should offer seamless bulk product upload capabilities. It allows admins to add products efficiently using CSV or Excel files. 

Category Options

Evaluate the platform’s ability to create and manage different categories. A well-structured category system improves product navigation for your customers. 

Advanced Features

Additional features include wish lists, product comparisons, and recently viewed items. It creates a personalized shopping experience for customers. 

Shipping Methods

Ensure that the platform can configure multiple shipping options. It allows you to serve multiple customer preferences and optimize shipping costs.

Dynamic Filters for Product Search

Dynamic filters assist customers with product searches. Look for platforms that offer filtering options like sorting, price range filters, color and size options, and location-based filters. 

Managing Product Images

The platform must support bulk uploading of high-resolution product images. Uploading multiple images efficiently ensures your products are presented in the best light. 

  1. Payment Gateways 

By 2022, mobile wallets accounted for roughly 50% of global e-commerce payment transactions. Adding multiple payment gateways offers more flexibility for customers during checkout. 

The ecommerce software should allow connecting to a secure payment gateway for seamless payment processing. Not all platforms are compatible with every payment gateway. Choose a platform that supports payment options and serves your primary customer base. 

Consider the following before selecting the right payment gateway:

Geographic Compatibility 

Research local market trends to identify the most widely used payment gateways.

Variety of Payment Options

Integrate with popular payment gateways. It includes PayPal, Stripe, Braintree, Authorize.Net, Square, Amazon Pay, and Apple Pay.

Security and Fraud Prevention 

Ensure the payment gateway has robust security measures to protect customer financial data. Look for security features like tokenization, encryption, and risk assessment tools. 

International Payment Support 

If your business operates globally, consider payment gateways that support international transactions. Look for features like currency conversions and compliance with regional regulations.

Seamless Integration 

The chosen platform should provide easy integration with the preferred payment gateway. It should minimize technical complexities and be compatible with various payment options. 

10. B2B Features

If your business works with other businesses, the platform should have features for B2B selling. It helps to streamline operations, strengthen B2B customer relationships, and reduce workloads.  

B2B features to look for in your ecommerce platform:

  • Custom Pricing and Discounting
  • Bulk Ordering and Quick Reordering
  • Advanced Catalog Management
  • Account Management Tools for B2B customers 
  • Integration with ERP and CRM Systems
  • Request for Quote (RFQ)
  • Credit Limit and Payment Terms for B2B transactions. 
11.  Personalization

Ecommerce is evolving rapidly, and personalized experiences set your site apart. Leading ecommerce platforms offer personalization features during shopping, such as:

  • AI-powered recommendations.
  • Data-driven product suggestions.
  • Contextual user insights.
  • Behavioral tracking and analysis.
  • Demographic-based customization.
  • Psychographic profiling.
  • Historical purchase data.
  • Personalized email marketing.
  • Location-based targeting.
  • Customized pricing and promotions.

Using a rich array of user data points and algorithms, modern ecommerce platforms empower businesses to deliver real-time, customized shopping experiences.

12. Mobile-friendly Commerce 

The post-pandemic era has accelerated the mobile commerce trend, as consumers rely on smartphones for various online purchases. With this shift in consumer behavior, the best ecommerce platforms prioritize mobile design and user experience.

When customers land on a mobile site or app, offering a well-designed mobile experience is essential. It includes crafted layouts, intuitive navigation, and an overall user-friendly interface. 

The mobile-centric approach ensures that customers can easily browse products, complete transactions, and enjoy a hassle-free shopping experience.

13. Analytics and Reporting

Analytics and reporting tools provide insights into customer behavior, order management, and sales reports. The platform should offer data analysis and reporting to track and improve your business’s performance.

Key features for Analytics and Reporting:

Robust Data Tracking 

Look for a platform that can gather and analyze data on customer demographics, website traffic, and sales metrics.

Real-time Reporting 

The ability to generate up-to-date reports on key performance indicators. It allows you to make data-driven decisions and respond quickly to market trends.

Custom Dashboards

A platform with customizable dashboards helps track complex metrics in an easily digestible format.

Conversion Funnel Analysis 

Look for analytical features that provide insights into conversion funnels, drop-off points, and customer retention.

Specific Metrics 

Evaluate platforms that offer e-commerce-specific metrics. It includes Average Order Value (AOV), Customer Lifetime Value, and Return on Ad Spend. It helps measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and track budget performance.

Integration with Marketing Tools 

Ensure the platform integrates with popular marketing tools. It can be Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel for tracking and targeting capabilities.

Advanced Segmentation 

The ability to segment your customer data based on various criteria, such as location, purchase history, or demographics. 

It allows for targeted marketing campaigns and customer retention efforts. 

14. SEO Capabilities

An overlooked yet critical component when choosing an ecommerce platform is its SEO features. The platform must provide SEO-friendly functions that boost your website’s visibility in search engine rankings. 

For example, it should allow you to edit meta titles and descriptions, use custom URLs, and manage image alt texts. 

You can also look for mobile optimization, page load speed, and integration with Google Analytics. Such features help in enhancing your store’s reach and visibility online. The better your SEO, the greater your chances of being noticed by potential customers.

15.  Platform’s Community and Resources 

A thriving platform community and learning resources are essential to address challenges and implement best practices effectively.

Key Considerations for Community and Resources:

Supportive User Community

 Look for a platform that fosters an engaged and supportive community of users. You get shared insights, tips, and solutions to common issues.

Official Documentation and Knowledge Base 

Ensure the platform provides extensive documentation and a knowledge base. Look for detailed guides, tutorials, and FAQs to support users in navigating the platform’s features.

Online Forums and Discussion Boards 

Platforms that offer online forums and discussion boards. It provides a space for users to interact, ask questions, and get help from other experienced users and experts.

Webinars and Training Sessions

Look for platforms that offer webinars, online training sessions, or video tutorials. The platforms can promote ongoing learning and skill development for users.

Resources Section

A regularly updated blog or resources section can provide valuable industry insights and practical tips on using ecommerce software best. 

Customer Support and Ticketing System 

Check if the platform offers responsive customer support, preferably with a ticketing system. Many ecommerce platforms offer support to ensure prompt resolution of any technical issues.

How can Neoberx Help? 

Neoberx is your one-stop solution for enhancing your e-commerce platform, regardless of your chosen platform. With an expert team dedicated to transforming your e-commerce websites, we offer many services, including development, security, optimization, and re-platforming. 

When it comes to ecommerce sites, our services continue beyond development. We offer extensive solutions like design, testing, quality assurance, maintenance, support, and UX design.

We understand the critical role of a dedicated team in any e-commerce venture. That’s why Neoberx offers specialized and remote staffing solutions with 24/7 support. Direct communication with the developers has never been more accessible. 


Choosing the best ecommerce platform can be daunting, with so many available options. We hope this guide offers a deeper understanding of the essential aspects to consider. The article covered 15 factors, from SEO features to performance, scalability, platform functionalities, and more, to help you make an informed decision. 

Need help with your unique business requirements? Reach out to the Neoberx team for personalized e-commerce consultation.